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Latinx Lens

Jul 29, 2020

In this episode, Rosa and Cat tackle and discuss 1952's Viva Zapata! starring Marlon Brando and Anthony Quinn. Is it problematic to have a non-Latino actor portray a Mexican revolutionary?

Latinx Lens reviews two newly released documentaries, Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado and Inmate #1: The Rise...

Jul 26, 2020

In this episode of Latinx Lens, Rosa and Cat dive into the second half of their top 10 movies and TV shows of 2020 and their #LatinxLensRecommend film to watch. 

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Jul 23, 2020

In episode three of LatinxLens, Rosa and Cat are discussing LatinxLens' first recommended film from episode two, "The Salt of the Earth" (1954). 

They dive into the first half of their top 10 movies and TV shows of 2020, so far that range from documentaries to period pieces. 

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